Saturday, November 7, 2020

Jack's 12 Year Old Pictures!

As I mentioned in Zeke's picture post, I wasn't even sure if Jack and him were going to get birthday pictures this year. Thankfully Starr decided to set up some Back to School mini sessions. They worked perfectly for me to get the few shots that I needed. I really really hope that she makes this a yearly thing since I'd much rather pay her than JCPenny's. 

Look at this handsome boy! 

Even though we weren't going back to school like normal I did order the boys some new shirts for school. I got them online at Kohl's. Jack loves those silky workout type shirts. I bought him three different ones...a red baseball one, a blue baseball one and then a gray and orange basketball one. He loves them all! 

Jack is still going through that awkward smiling phase. He has such a great natural smile though. We just found out the other day that in 6 months he'll be moving on to phase 2 for his braces. He is NOT happy about that at all! 

Can't believe that next year I'll have 2 teenage boys! Crazy cakes for sure! 

I absolutely love that Jackson isn't ashamed or embarrassed about his love for his No-No! No-No has seen better days and I did buy another one just in case we needed to replace the original, but that caused a bunch of tears from both of us. Jack thought I was going to take No-No away and possibly throw him away. I told him that I would never do that. I just though he might want to put No-No in one of those shadow boxes so he wouldn't totally disintegrate and then he could sleep with the new one. Jack told me that he was NOT going to do that. No-No and him have had too many memories and he would feel like he's betraying the original No-No. Such complex emotions all about a Classic Pooh lovey. He's such a sweet, sensitive soul. He did take the new No-No and he is in his bed somewhere, but he still drapes the originally one over his face to sleep at night. 

I love this sweet precious boy of mine!

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