Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Goals for 2021!

 Here are our goals for 2021! 

House Goals: 

Transform the backyard into a bigger kid play area by....disassemble the play structure, moving the trampoline into the gravel area, builting a platform/tree house and building a ninja warrior course. 

Put medicine cabinets in the kids' bathroom - We've actually already accomplished this last weekend! 

Have a heat pump and Halo filter installed upstairs. 

Money Goals: 

Replenish 3 - 6 months

Save for our September 2021 Road Trip 

Start furniture fund - When we planned these goals we hadn't received our stimulus check yet so once we got that we decided to use that to purchase a whole new living room set. We are still starting this fund, but we're calling it the Household Fund instead. It will be good to have money set aside in case our refrigerator or something else big goes out. 

Save for new driveway

Family Goals: 

Get outside more...go on hikes & bike rides! 

Be consistent with having Game Night on Tuesdays & Family Movie Night on Fridays. 

Vacation Goals: 

To go camping at least 2 times...once to Oasis in Ephrata

Attend the Family Reunion in Oregon

To drive the North Cascades Highway 

September Road Trip

Personal Goals: 


- Go on monthly Dates with Lyndsay 

- Golf under 90 strokes

- Weigh less than 190


- Go on monthly Dates with Michael

- Start working out on the elliptical again

- Look into starting therapy - I actually found a really great Christian therapist that's in our insurance network. I've been "seeing" ie...zoom meeting her for a few weeks and she's been great! 

- Have Cranial Sacral Therapy done again - I just started this last week. I'm hoping to do 3 sessions and then go in maybe once every couple of months for a tune up. 


- To buy Starcraft 3.


- To get on the Honor Roll.


- To not get in fights with my friends. 


- To speak in a big boy voice all the time. 

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