Monday, January 18, 2021

Review: 2020 Goals!

Let's review the our Goals for 2020! 

House Goals: 

Install Flagpole - We installed our flagpole in April 2020! 

Get Halo installed on the furnace - Lance installed the Halo for us last year!

Go through and organize everything - We didn't organize everything, but we did organize the garage and that was the area that needed it most. 

Maintain yard & garden beds - I think we did a good job of this...we even built a new garden bed! 

Patch and paint all interior damage - Michael did patch and paint the damaged walls. 

Paint trim around all the windows - All my window trim still hasn't been painted. :) 

Money Goals:

Save for truck - We Saved!

Sell Fusion - We sold the Fusion to a wonderful lady at church, she loves it and we still get to see Little Red in action!

Buy Truck - We bought our truck right before the shutdown at the end of March! 
Replenish 3-6 month fund - This one is always on our list and while we did save we also end up using it sometimes too. 

Vacation Goals: 

April - Michael's work conference - Canceled!
June - Camping @ Deception Pass - Canceled! 
July - Family Reunion in Wyoming - thankful for this road trip!
July/Aug - Family Reunion in Oregon - was so great to be with family! 
September - Michael's work conference - Canceled!
October - San Antonio Trip to celebrate Michael and I turning 40! - Canceled! 

Family Goals: 

Take one kid on a date each month - We started out so good in the beginning of the year and then everything shutdown. We could have gotten back into it and been creative, but I think I was just too depressed since it wasn't able to be what I wanted it to be. We are definitely going to try to make this more of a priority this year. Maybe not individual dates, but at least trying to do small fun things each month. 

Do a family fun activity every other month with all the kids - This wasn't really possible since so many things were shutdown, but I do feel like we had a lot of fun last year. We went to Wyoming and Oregon for Family Reunions, camping twice and to Great Wolf Lodge. We made the most of 2020 that's for sure. 

Play more games together - I feel like this isn't a quantifiable goal. This year we have deemed Tuesday nights game night. Of course that doesn't mean we won't play games on other nights, but it will hold us accountable to at least play games together on that night. 

Go to Wild Waves @ least 6x - Hahaha....Shutdown! 

Michael's Goals: 

Have 2 co-worker BBQ's - These were intended to be BBQ's at our house so that didn't happen, but they did do a couple BBQ's at work. 

Have more people over from church or the neighborhood - We did have a couple neighbors over just prior to the shutdown so we did what we were able to do. 

Host game nights - Nope! 

Incident Command School - Michael is actually in the process of finishing this right now. 

Play w/kids more - Again this isn't a quantifiable goal so there's no way to know if he actual met it. 

Read Extreme Ownership - Michael did finish this book! 

Lyndsay's Goals: 

Workout regularily - twice with Rachael and twice a home each week - I do  regularly workout with Rachael, but once the kids weren't in school anymore working out at home was more difficult. Sure I could make time for it, but I know my limits and that was one thing that had to go for my sanity. During the summer we were going to the track 3 times a week and walking at least 3 miles. It made a huge difference in my mood. I can't wait until the weather is nicer and we can get back to that. 

Mentor new believers - Michael and I led a Rooted group through our church via zoom. There was a couple that were just getting plugged into the church. Unfortunately there were a lot of changes going on at our church and they don't come anymore. I don't know if they go to church at all. I've been praying for them a lot lately!

Do devotions with kids every night & every morning - We have been faithful with this. I read a chapter to the kids every morning and we usually have great Bible discussions. At night we'll read a chapter or do a devotional with them.

Read Relationship book with Owen & Jack - We did this. 

Read books during the day - In the beginning of the year my goal was to read during the day so that once Michael got home I wouldn't have my nose in a book and could spend time with him. Now that the kids are homeschooled that's a little more difficult. Sometimes they finish early and I'll have some time, but there are also times where Michael will watch a show at night and I'll sit next to him reading and that's okay! 

Don't worry about politics - Oh man I should have had this goal post-it-noted all over the dang house! No...I worried about politics WAY TOO MUCH. Once I got to December though I decided to stop listen to my Podcasts. I didn't want what was going on to steal my joy during the Christmas season. 

Kids Goals: 

Owen - Buy the computer game Starcraft 3 - This game still hasn't been released! We aren't even sure when it's going to be! 

Jack - Finish AWANA book so he can go to camp - Jack did finish his book, but Camp was of course canceled! 

Ella - To get to a level 1R in her reading - Since Ella has been homeschooling her reading has improved SO MUCH! I have no idea what level she's at since that's not how ACE curriculum works. Definitely having that one on one attention and daily routine of reading has drastically benefitted her. 

Zeke - Continue working on talking like a big boy & try to be more careful to not hurt hurt himself I mean he's just klutzy - Zeke hasn't been hurting himself as much, but he is still working on not using a baby voice. 

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