Friday, February 19, 2021

Ella's Actual Birthday & Presents!

On Ella's actual Birthday she got to open her present from her siblings. 

They each gave her a little bit of money to put towards her goal of buying herself the Schoolroom for her dolls. 

I have no idea what this face is about, but it's hilarious. She might have been trying to decipher what Zeke wrote on her card. :) 

They bought her a little baby kitten for Charlotte. Don't let the picture fool you she loves him. She named him Midnight. 

The very next day Ga-Ga took Ella shopping for her birthday. By this point Ella had been saving for a year in order to buy her Doll Schoolhouse. Ga-Ga wanted to buy it last year for her, but I told her no. I really wanted Ella to learn what it was like to save for something and I honestly thought she'd change her mind about it. 

On her actual birthday we had Mommy & Mimosas at my friend Elaina's house. Her daughter has the schoolhouse so Ella got to play with it up close and she LOVED it. Listening her talking about it I knew that it would be something she would play with and love. After that I got to thinking....Ella had saved enough money to buy it herself and she was willing too, but then it occurred to me that it wouldn't be wise to have Ga-Ga buy her other doll stuff not knowing what her friends were going to get her at her upcoming birthday party. We knew for sure that they would not be buying her the Schoolhouse so it was a safe purchase. After Ella's birthday party she'd then be able to take the money she saved for the Schoolhouse and buy all the accessories that she didn't get at her party. It was a win win really! 

Here is her awesome Schoolhouse! 

Ga-Ga also bought Ella the extra locker set as well! 

This thing is so cute and well thought out. It has a school bell and a fire alarm that work. The black board has a light above it and a clock that both work. The white board lights up as well. 

The teachers desk as a cup of coffee and a pencil sharpeners. The details are incredible! 

Ella has 3 dolls so it's perfect for her to play school them. 

Look at these little desks. It came with a bunch of school supplies as well. Even those cute windows open and the green blinds can come down. Ella has loved playing with her Schoolhouse and I'm so happy that she had to save for it and learn what it meant to have to wait for something you really want! 

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