Thursday, February 18, 2021

Owen's 14 Year Old Pictures!

I took Owen to JCPenny's for his birthday pictures on Sunday, February 21st. It was our first time being back in the studio since Covid broke out. We had to wait about 45 minutes for our scheduled photo session to start. It was so okay though Owen and I talked and did some browsing around while we waited. 

The lady that took Owen's pictures was great and she loved Owen. For each of the kids birthdays this year Ga-Ga & Pa are letting the kids pick out their presents. Owen got to go to the LEGO store and he picked the Razor Crest from The Mandalorian. He built it all by himself! 

Look at this handsome young man! 

I really enjoy taking the kids in for their's special time one on one time that is hard to come by with 4 kids. I can't believe there will only be 4 more years of these yearly birthday pictures. I know they tell you not to blink and man they were right!  

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