Monday, December 13, 2021

Kuch Kids Sleepover!

As we got nearer the Christmas Season, I knew we wanted to have the Kuch kids over for a sleepover. Our kids get along so well...I knew it would be a fun way to share the holidays more than just on Christmas Day. Christina dropped them off on Friday, December 10th and they stayed 2 nights, went to church with us and then I took them home on Sunday afternoon with Jack and Ella in tow. We got to hang out and visit at their house before we headed to Ga-Ga & Pa's. Michael also came down with Owen and Zeke since we couldn't all fit in one vehicle it really worked out perfectly. While I was visiting with Christina at her house Michael was at Ga-Ga & Pa's fixing their leaking toilets. After visiting I took Jack and Ella down to Ga-Ga & Pa's and all the kids stayed at their house for a couple nights. Michael and I got to go on a date night and then I got to wrap presents for the next couple of days. It was glorious for everyone involved! 

Anyways back to our weekend with the Kuch Kids! I knew the weather was going to be crummy so the kids would be stuck inside so I had planned to do some fun activities, but I also just wanted to let them hang out and enjoy the time together. 

For the girls I whipped out all my gel nail supplies and we had fun doing nails together. 

Some of the girls decided to do Christmas nails!

Ella went with purple! 

I had the boys on a mission to create a LEGO nativity scene! I thought it would take a while, but with all of them working it came together quite quickly! 

Here's the whole scene! 

I love the wise men with their gifts and you can see the angel with his sword in the back right. 

Close up of the wise men! 

This was my favorite part. Mary has the biggest smile on her face like she didn't just push a baby out and Jesus is so unsure of this crazy world he just popped in to! It made me laugh so hard! I loved it! 

Us girls had so much fun watching some sappy Christmas movies. I had also bought this fun Woodland Creature kit for us to put together little animals! 

Jack and Zeke got in on the action too! 

Here are the girls with their finished creatures! 

A close up! Addison decided to draw glasses on her beaver or otter I'm not sure! They are adorable! 

Our last fun organized activity was making homemade pizzas. Since I only have so much space in the oven we had to do this in batches. Girls first of course! 

Chowing down on their pizzas! 

On to the boys. They all did so great and it was fun watching how each of them did things differently. Some put the cheese on and then the toppings, some put wall to wall pepperoni while others just scattered them. Some put tons of sauce while others put barely any. I love how different they all are! 

This was my yummy pizza and of course the main cook eats last so I was HUNGRY!!!! 

I can't wait until we can have another Kuch Kids Sleepover! 

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