Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas With Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie!

This Christmas Uncle Ry and Aunt Stephie decided they wanted to have a fun adventure and stay in downtown Bellevue and enjoy all the Christmasy stuff down their on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. So we got together with them for an early Christmas celebration on Saturday, December 18th. 

For lunch we kept it really simple and did croissant sandwiches and fruit salad. It was easy and yummy! 

Present Time!  

Zeke's gift was almost as big as he was! 

Epic dart gun! 

The Amazon box it came in could be a coffin! 

Ella got Rockstar Barbies! She was so pleased! 

Jack got the LEGO X-Wing he wanted! 

Owen got the troop transport he wanted! 

I made Ryan & Stephie the calendar that I always make with all the pictures through the last year. I also saw this fun Fireball candy cane and I knew Ry would get a kick out of it. 

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