Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Random Christmas Season Happenings!

Just a few random things we did during the month of December! 

Diamond paintings were a total hit for Ella Grace and I. We worked on them constantly while watching all sorts of sappy Christmas Movies. 

One December evening we were sitting around when their was a knock at the door. One of our neighbors that rents a room in the house next to us brought over this fresh Christmas wreath. Her husbands employer gave it to him as a gift, but since they only rent a room they weren't decorating. They saw how nicely decorated our house was so they knew we would put it to good use. It was so sweet and thoughtful! I even came with these LED fairy lights to wrap around it. It also smelled amazing since it was real! 

It really did finish off the mantle area nicely! 

Here's one of the Christmas diamond paintings all finished! 

I love decorating our tree all fancy. The tree in the dining room next to the fireplace is the kids fun tree that they get to decorate. 

Ga-Ga's birthday is December 6th and since it's close to Christmas her gift is usually something she can use throughout the Christmas season. In the last 3 years I've been buying her different things from this Yuletide collection from Kohl's. This year I got her this cute Snowman Candy dish. She loves Snowmen!

Our church had a Christmas party for all the Board Members and their families. They had some fun games lined up for us. One was pin the nose on Pastor Tim. 

Lined up waiting for their turn at pinning the nose. I can't even remember who won, but it was so fun! 

I took the kids out shopping so they could buy something for Michael for Christmas. Since there was still a vaccine mandate in King County we had to come down to Pierce County so we could go out to dinner afterwards. At the mall I asked this nice couple if they would mind taking our picture. It was really nice seeing so many people at the mall without masks! 

We chose to eat at Olive Garden. That seems to be the kids new favorite restaurant! 

During the month of December before their are too many presents under the tree, Charlie loves to snuggle under there. I'm always telling him it's his tree and we put it up just for him! ;)

Finished the set of 4 diamond paintings and hung them up in the downstairs bathroom. 

I was talking to a friend on Facebook about fun things to do with our kids during the Christmas season and she said they had tickets to see Scrooge the Musical. I looked it up, but of course it was practically sold out. There was no way we were going to find 6 seats together! 

A few days after that I happened to be looking on Facebook and a different friend posted that she had accidentally bought the tickets for the wrong night and wasn't going to be able to use them since her kids had an event at school. There were 6 tickets and they were for the only night that would work for us to go. I commented that I'd love them and she just gave them to us. No need to pay her back or was such a sweet gift! 

This Musical was top notch!!!! So amazing! It's been going on since Reagan was President! Of course they've made some changes to it and technology has come a long way. It's fabulous! I don't know if we'll go every year, but maybe every other year! 

This fun truck was in the lobby of the church and I just had to get a cute picture of my Zeke Man! 

We hadn't seen Hansi in a long time and one of the Sunday's in December he came to church he wore is Santa was quite fun! 

Every December we have a fun night with the Storer Family and do some sort of craft. This year I found these fun diamond painting ornaments from Amazon. I sense a theme here! :) 

I wasn't sure if the boys would have as much fun, but they did great! 

Most of the ornaments were very small and didn't require much time. 

We had Beef Stew for dinner, the kids did the craft, us adults chatted and the kids played. It was a great evening with friends! 

On December 20th, our Mommy & Mimosa group met for our Christmas celebration. This was actually the last time we'd all be together since Shasha second from the left and Laci on the far left were both moving. Alicia was there too, but her daughter started not feel good so she left before we had a chance to take a picture. I love these ladies so much. All those years in MOPS were like a lifeline for a young mother and I'm so happy I didn't do those years alone. These women hold a special place in my heart! 

The last of the random things this Christmas was Michael built me a Christmas Village Tree for some of my village houses. I love it and it really added a bunch of space for me to work with. Also it can't be Christmas without putting together Charlies Wysocki Christmas puzzles!

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