Thursday, December 29, 2022

Cabin Christmas - Day 3

The morning of December 28th, it was our turn to make breakfast. I decided I wanted to make Cinnamon Rolls. At first I thought I might make homemade ones, but then I decided to not stress myself out. I did use a recipe that I found online to elevate the normal canned Cinnamon Rolls to the next level and they were YUMMY!!! We also made pork sausage patties from our pig that we purchased a couple years ago! 

See that plug in station just under the bar where the white cord is. That also had a plug in for your phone. Miss Ruth would plug in her phone and she was able to play instrumental Christmas music through the entire house. There were even volume controls all around so we could lower the volume in a specific place if we wanted to be able to talk more. It was so festive to have music playing during the trip! 

Thanking the Lord for His many many blessings! 

After breakfast it was time to go back outside for some fun in the snow! For the kids not me!

We did have lots of snow on the ground, but we also had rain falling at times. Then later it would snow more. 

The house rules stated that they had a fireplace and we could use it, but we had to bring our own wood. Their insurance company wouldn't allow them to supply wood for guest. Papa & Miss Ruth had quite a bit of wood leftover from their camping trips and now they have a propane firepit so they weren't going to be using it so they brought it all with them. 

Unfortunately Papa forgot an Ax or a hatchet so he had to make do with just using a knife to shave off some kindling. He made it work though! 

Sledding fun! 

Playing with Pokémon cards and Michael's trying to figure out a game the Kuch's bought us. 

I had bought Christmas diamond paintings for me and the girls. It was fun just getting to sit with them, visit and work on a craft! 

Owen and Caleb playing the game Michael was figuring out. These two boys spent most of them time upstairs playing games together! 

Lunch on this day was provided by Miss Ruth. She made the kitchen look like a bakery shop. It wasn't just yummy for your tummy it was yummy for your eyes as well. So pretty! 

Why do sandwiches always taste better when someone else makes them or provides all the fixings!! 

So thankful for Miss Ruth! 

One of the gifts that Miss Ruth got the girls were these fun clips she saw on a FB ad. She ordered them months ago and wasn't even sure if they were going to show up, but they finally did. They are so cool! Ella always loves it when Miss Ruth plays with her hair and does different styles. 

The girls even got to work on Miss Ruth's hair too! They tried to use the clips in Anna's hair, but her hair is just a bit too short for them. 

Papa & Ruth also got the kids this Moose Lodge gingerbread cabin. The boys weren't interested in putting it together so the girls did it instead. Quite a few of the pieces were broken, but that's what frosting is for.

 They were able to the fix the pieces and build and decorate it a bit. They didn't finish it completely until later on in the trip though. 

Poor Ga-Ga she had planned to make cookies with the kids as her activity with them, but she ended up coming down with a cold. She still was able to hang out in the main area with us and paint on her tablet, but she also needed to rest a bit. We had PLENTY of dessert so the cookies weren't missed. We did all lay hands on her and pray for her health. Thankfully as far as I know no one else got sick even though we were all together. 

Michael played a game with the kids while I sat there and worked on my diamond painting some more! 

For Papa's fun activity with the kids he brought materials to build a game. 

There were challenges and issues that arose, but they worked through them. Which I mean what a great real life experience right! How many project do you work on that go completely smooth...not many! 

I never got a picture of the completed project, but it's one of those games where you have the metal circle and it's attached to a string and you have to swing it and see if you can get it stuck on the hook. It was fun! 

My kids love the game Telestrations, but you really do need 8 people to play to make it the most fun. It's definitely a stressful game to me since there are so many moving parts. 

We almost weren't able to play at all since the dry eraser markers were dried out, but then I remembered we brought another game that has markers and those ones worked. Even though it was stressful it ended up being tons of fun. 

For dinner that night the Kuch family made Cowboy Sundaes...that's Pulled Pork, beans and coleslaw. I used left over Hawaiian Rolls and make Pork Sliders. So yummy! 

To finish the day off Papa brought out his guitar! 

We all sat around in the living room and shouted out hymns to sing! 

We had to use our phones to find the lyrics. 

Most of the songs the kids had never heard before! 

It was a beautiful time of sitting by the fire and praising the Lord!

So thankful to Papa and his gift of music!


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