Friday, December 30, 2022

Cabin Christmas - Day 4

On December 29th, I woke up early and came downstairs to sit by the light of the tree. Zeke woke up early too so we snuggled together. 

After breakfast which was pancakes & sausage links made by Ga-Ga & Pa it was time for some fun in the snow. 

Thankfully Christina went out with the kids or we wouldn't even have pictures! 

These kids had so much fun! 
We even found these butt sleds that you sit on and hold the handle between your legs, lift your feet and away you go. Those were interesting! 

Owen preferred our red sled the best though. Caleb must have just made a pretty good run...he looks excited!

Sweet Kuch Kids! 

The sledding crew! 

Time for Bill to go down....oh no! No worries no one was harmed while sledding! 

Hours of entertainment! 

Time to come in, warm up and eat lunch. We had leftovers for lunch that day!

From Ga-Ga & Pa, Caleb had gotten these Warhammer characters you can build and paint. Caleb was so sweet to let Zeke help him. He was so patient in regards to explaining everything and just sharing his gift with him. 

Too soon it was time for Papa & Ruth to head home. We decided to go ahead and get family pictures in front of the tree. 

Even though we didn't have Pa's tripod I was determined to get a full group shot. I ended up stacking things on the table behind the couch and opening Ella's canvases she got just enough so I could slip my phone in-between them and it would hold my phone in place. It worked! 

I love each and everyone of these lovely people! 

That afternoon it started snowing! 

It was so pretty sitting at the dining room table watching it snow! 

Early in the day the girls had been able to find some rocks. They washed them off and let them dry. Ella had been given some paint pens from a lady at church so they were going to paint rocks with them. 

A lot of crafting going on! 

I was able to finish my diamond painting I was working on. The girls didn't quite finish theirs on the trip so they packed their up to work on at home. 

These gorgeous huge windows were beautiful to look out and enjoy the snow from inside! 

Since Papa was gone the fire building fell to Michael! 

If I had my way I would have a fire all day every day during the entire winter season! I love the fire! 

We got the Kuch family a couple new card games...Skull Island and Cover your Assets. We were playing Cover your Assets here. It's a fun easy game to play. The kids really enjoyed it.

For dinner that night Michael and I made a new recipe called Taco Pasta. It was so yummy! 

This day was much more chill than the other days! It was funny the whole time we were there I wouldn't let anyone talk about leaving or when we were going home. Whenever someone would say something like that I'd say....what are you talking about this is our house...we live here! I wanted to live in that fantasy until the very last minute!

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