Monday, December 19, 2022

Charlie Brown Christmas Play & Christmas Crafts With Friends!

On December 18th, our church put on a Kids Production called A Charlie Brown Christmas. They had been working for months and months and it turned out so cute! 

You can see some of the set. Jonathen made Snoopy's Dog House & Lucy therapy stand and Pa made the wall. The wall actually was double-sided so turned it around during the play. One side was the brick and the other side looked like a wooden fence. 

Owen was what they called a Stage Ninja. He was part of the team that helped move the props around during the scenes. 

Jackson was part of the play...he was a Wise Guy. It was hilarious...they were rappers singing a song about Jesus. Part of the lines were..."Who's in the house? JC's in the house!" 

They had fake facial hair and everything. The funniest thing was one of the Wise Guy's mustaches fell off and they couldn't find it. It was a few days later and Jackson found it stuck to the bottom of his shoe!!! 

The Wise Guys - Jack, Josh & Jeremiah! 

Dan & Abby that are real life brother and sister played Charlie Brown & Lucy. They did such a great job! 

Aaron played Snoopy and he honestly could barely see out of his costume. At one point in time he wasn't in the correct spot on the stage and in a simply genius move Josiah who played Linus just called Snoopy over to him by snapping his fingers and patting his leg just like you would call a dog in real life. I didn't even know he was adlibbing I thought it was part of the play. 

Linus, Snoopy and Sally played by Josiah's real life sister Caitlynn! 

Later that day the Storer Family came over for our annual Dinner & Craft Night. 

I had seen a video online how you can take those craft paper houses and use white hot glue to make them look like gingerbread houses with frosting. 

Kim bought all the supplies for us. The houses were significantly smaller than we thought they would be, but that ended up being okay. It was actually a really tough craft and if they had been bigger it would have taken forever to do one! 

Of course hot glue is hot glue so there were lots of strings we had to deal with! 

Since we only had two glue guns the kids had to take turns working on their houses. 

I wasn't even sure if the older boys would want to make one, but they came down. 

Owen opted out of doing the craft and I'm pretty sure moving forward if the craft we do doesn't involved dessert he'll probably pass! 

I think next year we'll make sure it's some kind of treat to decorate!

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