Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Morning 2022!

Last year before Christmas I talked with Ga-Ga & Pa and the Kuch Family about having Christmas at a Cabin. They all said they were up for it so I searched and I found a cabin on VRBO and we booked it. The only catch was it wasn't ready until the day after Christmas. Since we were spending so much money on the cabin we told the kids that Christmas would look a little different this year. We weren't going to get them the normal 4 gifts. They were each going to get their stocking, one gift from me and Daddy and their sibling gift. Other than that the cabin was the gift. 

Christmas was also different in that it landed on a Sunday. We knew we were going to go to church in the morning and I didn't want to rush the morning so we waited until after church to open presents. 

The boys were so funny they went and got changed out of church clothes and back in their jammies to open gifts. It was weird opening presents and it being light out! Also no early morning obligatory sitting on the stairs photo! 

The piles of presents were smaller than usual, but that was okay! 

After Christmas was over I asked the kids if they liked doing Christmas this way or if they wanted to go back to the old way next year. I told them since they are getting older their want gifts are getting more expensive. So we could go back to getting 4 gifts, but they would be on the smaller side or they could get one bigger gift. They all thought that one bigger gift would be nice, but they all did miss out on getting a Something to Read present! My kids love books! 

Daddy did not understand the assignment. He actually got me 4 gifts! He ended up putting two over by my stocking so I only had 3 (2 from him and 1 from the kids) instead of 5 to open. 

Zeke's gift from us was a Jurassic Park or World Lego set. 

Ella's sibling gift from Jack was a Holiday Barbie. 

Jack's gift from us was this Race Car Lego set.

Owen's sibling gift had to be wrapped in layers! First a bag....

Then a box! 

Zeke got him a Nerf Gun. The funny thing was I took Jack and Zeke in shopping together and Zeke picked this gun out for Owen right away. After they were done I took Ella and Owen in to do their shopping and Owen asked for my phone so he could take a picture of this gun so he could buy it with his birthday money the next month! 

Daddy's gift from the kids were golf balls and two Henley's. 

Zeke's sibling gift was a Hot Wheels track. We actually ended up taking it back because even though it looks cool it was super lame. He ended up picking something on Amazon....I think another Lego set. 

Jack's sibling gift was another Race Car Lego set. He was a happy boy! 

Owen's gift from us was a really nice Blacksmith Shop/House Lego set. I've never seen a nicer Lego set.

Daddy's gift from me was a pack of 3 Wedges. I also got him new slippers...those were his stocking gift even though they couldn't fit in his stocking! 

I never think to have anyone take pictures of my gifts that I open. The kids got me a sweater and a shirt. Michael got me 2 sweaters, Hand Lotion, a Simply Modern Tumbler, new slippers and a striped sweatshirt. I was a happy lady! 

Ella's gift from us was a Polaroid Camera. She's been wanting it for years. I didn't take a picture of it her opening it, but I took a video.

Time for stockings!

Jackson got Spiderman No Way Home & two huge bags of all red Jolly Ranchers! 

I love her reactions! 

Ella got The Jungle Cruise, more film for her camera, and specialty Hi-Chews! 

Owen got Thor: Love & Thunder, Godzilla Vs. Kong and a ton of Sweet Tart Candy Canes! 

He has great reactions too! 

Zeke got a few bag of Blue Raspberry Sour Patch Kids, Sour Snakes, Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness and Scotch Tape which was actually from Ella we just forgot to wrap it with his present. 

I did also get them a couple family games which I knew that we'd take with us to the cabin. Even though Christmas looked a bit different this year it was still amazing! 

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