Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Jack's Birthday Pictures!

Jackson had his Birthday pictures taken on June 1st. 

I'm usually more involved in regards to what the kids wear for their pictures, but Jack picked out his outfit and I thought why not! It's not a nicer dress shirt, but you know he loves the flag...he has numerous flag shirts and that's something I want to remember. 

This was the first picture she took and I love his smile, but after this he just seemed uncomfortable smiling. He's at that weird stage with braces where it's hard to see his teeth and then when he smiles his eyes disappear. He's super close to getting his braces off so that will help. In this instance, I told him if he felt more comfortable he could smile with his mouth shut.

He's also really good at giving the smolder look! Such a handsome guy! 

Jack chose to bring his guitar and I just love this picture. I'm so excited to see him learn and progress with his playing. I would love it if one day he's able to play on the worship team at church. 

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