Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Zeke's Birthday Pictures!

This handsome boy got his Birthday pictures taken on May 13th. 

Birthday pictures used to be such a chore, but now that the kids are all older they really are so easy! It takes less than 15 minutes to get all the pictures. Such a breeze! 

Zeke is the only kiddo that's not taller than the ruler yet. He'll make it in the next couple of years though. 

The part that takes the longest is definitely the checkout process. Of course the employees have to go through their process to see if you'll buy a photo packages. I always buy a Groupon and we just stick with the that. I don't need every picture...I just want 3 good shots and that's enough for me. Even with the check out process taking longer than the pictures we are usually in and out in under an hour.

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