Thursday, August 3, 2023

Officially Finishing The School Year!

Sometime during the summer, we get the kids' Report Cards from Lighthouse Christian Academy. Once we get those we are able to toss out all their completed work for that year. It's always nice because then I have room in my file cabinet to organize all their new work for the next year. 

Here's Zeke with all his work from 5th grade. He is at grade level so he only has to do 12 PACE's in each of this 6 subjects. 

Zeke GPA for the year was 96% which is an A. 

It's still quite heavy though! 

Here's his star chart. Each of those stars is for a PACE he completed. 

Since Ella is still trying to catch up she did more than 12 PACE's in most subject. She's at grade level in Word Building and because she only has one more year of Literature and Creative Writing we didn't want to rush her so she only did 12 in each of those PACE's as well. 

Here's all the PACE she completed by subject: 

Math 13
English 17 
Social Studies 16
Science 16
Word Building 12
Literature & Creative Writing 12 

Ella's GPA for the year is 94% which is an A.

She's such a hard worker! 

Here's her star chart...that's a lot of stars! 

Owen is still trying to catch up in some areas as well. 

In Math according to his online report he did 21 PACE's, but I don't think that's correct. I think he finished some of those the year prior. In English he finished 18 which is a year and half worth of work. He finished the 12 PACE's of American History. He also is completely finished with Etymology & Life of Christ...he did 12 PACE's in each of those. He also had to complete a Computer Science course.

 Owen's GPA for the year is 93% which is an A. 

Jackson is still catching up a bit as well. 

He completed 12 PACE's in everything except Math & English. In Math he completed 16 and in English he completed 17. He also completely finished Etymology last year so he is done with that as well. 

Jack has a GPA of 96% which is an A. 

I'm so proud of these kids and everything that they've accomplished! They work so hard and it's definitely paying off!

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