Sunday, September 3, 2023

Ear Piercing & Back To School Bash!

Back when we visited Logan in July there was a possibility that Jen and Logan would be coming out west for a few days at the very end of August. As it got closer I hadn't heard from Jen. I knew that they had a lot going on and there had been quite a few wild fires around Spokane so I thought they might have decided not to come over after all. Then on Saturday, Sept 2nd, at almost 9pm I got a text from Jen saying they were available the next day if I was still interested in Logan being with Ella when she got her 2nd hole pierced. Of course!!!!! 

I was actually able to go onto Claire's website and book an appt for the next day at 1pm. Logan and Jen weren't able to get to church until around 11:45ish which was perfect since that's about the time church gets out. I told Jen that I wasn't going to tell Ella about Logan or getting her ears pierced, I wanted Logan to come upstairs at church and surprise her. 

Ella and I volunteered in Kids Church the next day so we were heading out of the room to go downstairs. I was going out first so I saw Jen & Logan before Ella did. Then Logan came around the corner and Ella was so what is going on here? 

I said...."Are you ready to get your ears pierced?" She was so a good way. It was the best reaction. 

Jen actually got it on video! I love these girls so much!!! 

Ella and I rode with Jen & Logan to Southcenter Mall. We had a little bit of time to kill prior to her appt so we walked around the food court. I really wanted a pretzel, but we still went and checked out all the food areas. Nothing else really looked amazing...we also weren't super hungry so something small like a pretzel was a good choice. 

After eating, we went over to Claire's. There was one little girl in front of us, but I was able to still fill out the online forms while we waited. 

Of course the girls shopped! When you get your ears pierced they give you a 20% off coupon on your whole purchase they were also having a deal where if you bought 3 things in the store you got 3 things free. It applied to the whole store. On top of that, they had a section where everything was priced at $3 each. Ella and Logan got matching wallets, Ella got earrings and a bracelet...Logan got a bunch of stuff too! 

I asked Ella if she was nervous and she was. I told her that was one of the reasons I didn't tell her about Logan or getting her ears pierced earlier in the day. I knew she would have been consumed with nerves and not able to have fun at church. 

Logan's a goober! 

After the little girl was done...boy did she cry...poor thing! It was Ella's turn. She held Logan's hand, but honestly she did great! 

Yes it hurts, but it's more like an achy hurt. 

She just breathed through the pain! 

One, Two and done! 

The ear piercing portion is free the only thing you pay for are the earrings. Which the cheapest nice earrings that she won't be allergic to that they carry and use for piercing are $65! They are just plain round silver studs. She actually really likes them a lot and heavens knows she has enough earrings so we didn't need to get anything special. 

After ear piercing Logan needed to go to a few places for back to school shopping. She was able to find a sweatshirt, but she couldn't find the shirt she really wanted. Then it was time to take us home because they needed to drive home Spokane. 

It was a super short visit less than 4 hours, but it was such a good time. I absolutely love these girls' friendship. Logan is so crazy and outgoing while Ella is more reserved and shy. Logan's influence is so good for's okay to be silly sometimes. 

Look at these beauties!!! 

This above picture reminded me so much of this picture. It was taken in February 2013 over 10 years ago almost in the exact same location in our driveway!!! Look at these cuties. I love how Logan is even wearing pink in both pictures. Sweetest precious friends ever!!! 

After Jen and Logan were on their way we just had about an hour or so before our next adventure of the day. 

We were celebrating our Back To School Bash at Red Robin with Papa & Miss Ruth! 

Michael really wanted a Blue Moon...for some reason it just tastes so much better at Red Robin. He decided to get the stein!

High Schoolers!!! 

Middle Schoolers!!! 

Michael and Papa!!! 

I love this picture of me and Miss Ruth! 

It was so nice visiting with had been quite a while since we'd seen them. Summer is always so busy! The kids are going to get to spend some more time with them later in the month though. Michael and I will be going to Poulsbo for his Water Conference! We were talking about how it's not going to be very long and no one is going to need to watch the kids if we're gone for a couple of days. Owen is almost 17 years old and driving. Next year Jack will be 16 and driving. They are so self sufficient's more that we need someone there to make sure they aren't driving each other crazy. 

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