Thursday, April 5, 2007

Swaddle me!

I don't know what people did before they invented Velcro. Owen sleeps every night in a Swaddle Me blanket that has Velcro on it to keep him trapped. He is a pretty good kicker and sometimes he gets out of it, but for the most part he enjoys being restrained to go to sleep. He can fall asleep without being in it, but the problem is he can't stay asleep since his arms and legs have a mind of their own. I wonder how old he'll be when I can stop strapping him in, feedback on the matter would be great.


  1. I don't know about babies, but I couldn't sleep in a straight jacket like that. I'm going to go out on a limb though and say that by the time he's in his 20's he'll be able to sleep without being strapped up.

  2. We'll since they only make Swaddle Me blankets up to 22lbs he'll have to give it up way before his 20's!

  3. If he loves the Swaddle me blanket keep on using it till he out grows it. Sounds like he's loving it, if he's sleeping 8+ hours. Gosh I can't remember when the spastic arms and legs movement goes away. Maybe 5 months. It cracked me up when my Owen would do that. So funny...but not that funny at 2am when they wake themselves up :)
