Friday, April 6, 2007

Tummy Time

This is an old picture of Owen hating tummy time. It's an old picture because I can't stand to give him tummy time. He really does not like it at all. Whenever we lay him on his tummy he just rubs his head back and forth into the blanket he's laying on. He refuses to turn his head to the side. Oh yeah and he screams!!! Yesterday I was reading about tummy time on the Internet and some of the mom's that commented said they had the same problem with their babies hating tummy time. One of the tricks they tried was propping their babies up on the Boppy (a pillow that's shaped like a horse shoe) and their babies were okay with it then. Last night my mom and dad were over for dinner and we decided to give it a such luck, he still hates it. I'm going to just have to grin and bare it though because Owen doesn't have much strength in his arm right now. He has a strong neck and chest, but he doesn't have any strength in his arm so he needs to work on that. If anyone has any other suggestions on how to get a baby to enjoy tummy time...I'm all ears.


  1. Personally, I love tummy time. I'm not too fond of laying on my back time though. But I don't scream or cry when I do lay on my back so at least I've got that going for me.

  2. Try putting things in front of him that he likes. Such as his binkie or toys. Or you can even lay in front of him and talk to him. Tummy time is hard. Most babies don't enjoy it especially if they are back sleepers. My baby was a tummy sleeper so he loved being on his belly, but didn't enjoy being on his back. Just stick with it and keep on doing it at least a couple minutes per day. I know how hard it is to watch them not like something. Eventually he will learn to tolerate it :) Hang in there!!!
