Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good Times @ B & B's

Now that I've vented about Lost Mountain Lodge I thought I would post about the good times that we've had at the other B & B's. To celebrate Valentine's Day in 2005 I surprised Michael by making reservations at the Tucker House in Friday Harbor. We had heard from our friends Micah and Kim that it was a nice place. Come to find out later we actually ended up staying the same room that they had on their trip. Too funny! We took the ferry from Anacortes over to Friday Harbor and it was just gorgeous! We had blue sky the whole time we were there and this was in February. Since it was the off season some places were closed, but we still had a great time. We drove around the island and took a walk by the water. We ate at some fantastic restaurants and relaxed which was really nice. The coolest thing about this B & B is you can choose when you want to have breakfast and they bring it to your room!!!!

The room we stayed in was called 'Dove in a Window' and it's the second story window on the left side of the house in the front. There are actually two or three houses to this B & B.
Here we are tired, but getting ready to enjoy our breakfast that was brought to the room. I loved that I got to eat breakfast in my PJ's and I didn't have to get all ready and go down to a dining room.

This was the bathroom in our room. Before we had a jacuzzi tub put in our house I always tried to reserve a room with a nice tub.

Here we are walking on the rocky cliffs somewhere on the island. It was chilly, but it was beautiful!

I took this picture of Mt. Baker on our way was so clear out!

This is the Run of the River in Leavenworth. Michael and I went there to celebrate Valentine's Day in 2006. I don't think the outside is all that attractive, but the inside of the Inn was just grand. Michael and I stayed in one of the biggest rooms at the Inn, but it was the least expensive. I think they priced it that way because our room was actually connected to the dining room. I didn't mind that though because I didn't have to put my shoes on and go outside in order to go to breakfast. I also loved waking up to the smells coming from the kitchen.
The Run of the River has the most wonderful beds. In fact so many people have commented about their beds that they contacted Serta to see if they could offer their guests a discounted rate on mattresses if they want to purchase them through the Inn. Michael and I desperately needed a new mattress and after sleeping on this high quality mattress we were sold. We order one through the Inn and saved a ton of money.
Some of the amenities our room had were a gas fireplace, jacuzzi tub, wrap around deck and heated slate floors in the bathroom. I would go back in a second!

1 comment:

  1. I love that one in Leavenworth. I'm going to have to find myself a wife so I can go there on Valentine's day myself.
