Thursday, April 17, 2008

We have an eater!!!

Owen has finally decided that he likes food. It took a little testing on our part though. I finally decided I had had enough when he didn't want to eat anything he just wanted to drink his calories in the form of milk. So one day I just stopped giving him milk in a bottle and just gave him his liquids in a sippy cup. This made for a rough couple of days, but he caught on fast that's for sure. Starving really works!!! :)

I slowly started introducing the bottle back into his routine, but instead of getting 5 bottles a day now he's only getting 3. The rest of the time Owen get water or juice out of his sippy cup. He really won't take that much milk from a sippy cup right now that's why he's still getting a bottle. Let me tell you Owen has never been a bad sleeper and I don't want to start now if I don't give him his milk so we'll deal with dropping the bottle completely at another time. Mama needs her sleep!!!

It's really amazing how much more he is eating now that he's not completely stuffed with milk. He can finish a half a sandwich for lunch! That's a lot for someone his size. He's also been more willing to try new things which has been so great. I was getting so sick and tired of him just eating 5 different things. Some of the new things he's eating now are - kiwi - tangelos - apples - carrots - pizza - chicken patties - hamburgers - pretty much any kind of sandwich. The next big thing is to get him use to a spoon. I've been trying to let him practice when he eats yogurt, but most of the time he just wants to play around. I also need to get over the messy factor when it comes to letting him feed himself. I don't mind his hands getting dirty, but a spoon brings it to a whole new level of messiness!

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