Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So last night I asked Michael to look at my incision and see if it looked okay. It had been hurting a little more than normal on the left side. He checked it out and said it looked like it had a ridge where the skin might have pulled apart a little. So I called the nurse and she said I should come in and be checked out. So we drove into Seattle this morning for my appointment. Jack of course cried the entire drive in because I had the audacity to pump and feed him so he didn't get his snuggle time with Mom. He was upset and was letting us know it. The doctor who performed my C-Section checked me out and said that it didn't tear open, but it did look like an abrasion so she wants me to put Neosporin on it and she wrote me another prescription for pain meds since I'm almost out. When we got home I pretty much decided to put myself on bed rest for the day to heal since I need to take advantage of Michael being home this week. It was actually really nice. Jack and I took a nap together after lunch and then just hung out watching TV. Michael and Owen ate both breakfast and lunch together in the dining room without me today and I was missing them so Michael got Owen's portable highchair and brought it upstairs so we could eat dinner together as a family. Some friends from church brought over dinner for us that was super good. I ate while Jack was asleep on my chest. Owen later took the above picture of us with Daddy's help of course. Later on I couldn't figure out why I kept smelling french onion smell. I picked up Jack and smelled him and I swear it was his breath. I thought that I must have eaten something with french onions in it and it flavored my milk and it was his breath that smelled, however, when I went to feed Jack I noticed something stuck in the folds of his neck and it was a little onion. While I was eating dinner a piece of it must have fallen on my shirt and since he was sleeping on my chest he must have wiggled down and got it stuck in his neck. Too funny!

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