Friday, June 13, 2008

First Well Baby Check-Up

On Wednesday Jack had his first check-up with his pediatrician. When we left the hospital his weight had gone from 8.06lbs down to 7lbs 11oz. It's totally normal for babies to lose weight in the beginning and really Jack didn't lose very much at all. At his appointment they weighted him and he had gone up to 7lbs 15oz. He's already in the 56% for weight so he's definitely schooling his big brother in the weight area. They also measured him and he is 19 1/4 inches long now. You might remember he was 18 1/4 inches long at birth so growing 1 inch in 6 days seems highly unlikely. The nurse actually measured Jack twice to be sure she was correct. We just figure that the nurse in the OR who measured Jack when he first came out didn't stretch him enough because there is NO WAY he could have grown an inch already.


  1. An inch in 6 days! Check that kid for human growth hormone. Has he been hanging out with Barry Bonds?

  2. Now in this one, he looks like a little gangsta! SO cute! :)
