Friday, June 13, 2008

Second Time Around

It amazes me at how relaxed I am this time around. With Owen I was always paranoid that he was going to stop breathing if I left the room or he was going to starve if I didn't feed him exactly 3 hours after his last feeding. This time it's so different. Like right now Jack is in the other room on our bed fast asleep and I'm sure he's just fine. Sometimes he eats after 3 hours sometimes after 4. It's no big deal. I also remember thinking I should put Owen down because I don't want him to be spoiled with me holding him all the time. What was I thinking!!!! I love snuggling Jack and having him sleep on my chest. This is time is too short and too precious to miss out on those things. Now don't think that I didn't hold Owen and snuggle him I did, but I remember just being a little more strict about it than I am with Jack. It really is nice taking it easy and just enjoying this time.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously! It's crazy how much more relaxed you get with the second one. I often say, "It's a good thing I was uptight to begin with, otherwise it'd be a little scary : ) " I was a stickler for schedules when Elliott was a baby, but not so much with Norah. We would arrange things around his nap time. Now I laugh, because I really couldn't even tell you what time Norah's naps are! There is some rhythm to them, but we just kinda go with the flow these days : ) I think part of it is, that the second time around you do realize just how fast it goes. You learn what really matters and learn to let the other stuff go. Having two really is so much fun!
