Friday, September 26, 2008

Owen Speak

Owen has started saying more and more things recently. Well, actually I think he's been saying them for a while, we are just getting around to understanding him more. I did get so tired of hearing him say, "Uhhhhhhh", that I taught him how to sign the word 'help'. It's not the real sign for help as that's too hard for a baby to do, but it's a sign that means help to us. That really was working nicely for a while, but now he's refusing to sign it anymore. He's thinks the sign for 'more please' should cover a multitude of things. He can be so set in his ways and he's not even 2! Anyways here is a list of things he can currently say...

Daddy - His favorite person
Ga-Ga - We are still trying to figure out if this is his word for both Ga-Ga and me. He says is all the time. Michael says that he says it when he's looking for me and he rarely uses the word mama so it might be for both of his favorite women in the world.
Idea - 'I did it'
Dea - 'You do it'
Jaa - 'Jack'
Hi - Self explanatory, also his favorite word
All dun - 'All done' (He throws his hands up in the air to sign this phrase as well.)
Bu-bye - 'Bye Bye' (He waves sometimes when he says this, sometimes he just puts his hand in the air like when he's saying all done.)
Eeee - 'Kitty' (We don't have the cats anymore, but there are some in the neighborhood and we do have a kitty doorstop in our bathroom.)
Peee - 'Please' (He will either rub his chest to sign please when saying this or he rubs his hands together to say more please.)
I git it - 'I get it or I did it"

Phrases Owen has said, but only a couple of times are...I love you and I'm a big boy. I think the reason we've had such a hard time understand him is because he doesn't break up his words he just runs them all together.

Other cute things Owen is doing right now...he loves to dance with Ellen DeGeneres...he loves to turn the TV on and off at his disposal (Even though there is a child proof thing that suppose to keep him from doing this...yeah right!)...he is turning into Linus from the Peanuts, he has to have a blanket with him almost all the time now.

One not so cute thing he's doing right now is not sharing. He definitely is not liking the fact that Jack might be playing with his toys soon. I will try to show Jack a toy and even if it's a baby toy and something that Owen hasn't played with in ages he has to stop what he's doing and come confiscate it. I have a feeling things are going to get ugly in the sharing department in a few months.

1 comment:

  1. I have a 17 month old son who uses "more" for EVERYTHING. and when I saw "more what, Cohen?" he just nods his head and says excited, "yeah, yeah" whle making the sign for 'yes'. And then while I am scrambling to figure out more WHAT, he gets frustrated...

    oh life with toddlers! *grin*
