Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grandpa / Peepaw

My Grandpa...Owen and Jack's Peepaw suffered a major stroke on Tuesday night. He is currently being cared for at Valley Medical Center. Unfortunately he wasn't a good candidate for the drug they normally give stroke victims. He has had 2 CAT scans and an MRI and things don't look promising. 1/4 of his brain was starved of the life giving blood it needs and the doctors don't think it will ever recover. That part of his brain controls things like speech, swallowing and his entire left side. We went to the hospital last night and he doesn't look like he should. It's so sad to see how your body can give out on you. I know that Grandpa can understand us so it must be so frustrating to not be able to communicate and tell us what he's feeling or what he needs. Please keep my family in prayer during this time.


  1. We will certainly be lifting your family up in prayer.

  2. I'm so sorry:( I will have you and your family in my is so hard to watch someone you love so sick...
