Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Owen Speak...Part Two

Owen is grasping more and more words each day. Here are a few of the new things he can say and do.

Ha Og - "Hot Dog"

He pointed to my pretties this morning and said "Preeee".

He points to his animals eyes and say, "EYE".

He points to his animals noes and says, "ME". That's because when we touch his nose we say, "meet meet" like the noise the road runner makes.

We can ask him where the following are and he'll point to the correct part...eyes, ears, nose, teeth, head, knee, elbow, toes and my personal favorite...buns!!! :)

If we ask Owen what a kitty says he meows. If we ask him what a dog says he meows. Oh well he'll get it someday. :)

He can now sign milk and he does the real sign for more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a fan of ha og's myself. I think the two of us would get along just fine.
