Monday, October 20, 2008

Tummy Time

Jack has always loved being on his tummy, but since he's been sleeping on his tummy I kept forgetting to give him awake tummy time. So last week I put him on his tummy and just started taking pictures of him. I love the different expressions he has.

Speaking of sleeping...for about 4 days now Jack has been sleeping on his back. I finally had it last week with him sleeping on his tummy. The problem was he would wake up in the middle of the night and then rollover onto his back and get really mad. I would have to go in and turn him over a couple times every night. It was getting really annoying! So I decided he was going to learn to sleep on his back. First I put him on his back during one of his naps and decided he could cry for awhile and he would eventually go to sleep. WRONG!!! He cried for almost an hour! Talk about stubborn. So at his next nap I decided to try the Swaddle Me blanket that Owen used when he was little and it worked like a charm!! YAY! Also since he's been sleeping in the Swaddle Me he's been sleeping 10 sometimes 10 1/2 hours at a time, waking up eating and then going back to sleep for another 2 - 2 1/2 hours!!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if I could sleep for 10 hours if I had a fancy swaddling blanket..... I don't think so since sleeping bags are too confining for me. That's unfortunate.
