Monday, November 10, 2008

I've been tagged!

Lisa over at My Journey Through Infertility tagged me to post 15 things that you all might or might not know about me so here I go...
1. I love the new show The Doctor's that comes on in the afternoon. I didn't know until this weekend that the main Dr. was one of The Bachelor's from the show on ABC...I won't hold that against him though.
2. I'm the one that does most of the driving. I'm such a control freak about it. Michael barely ever drives...thankfully he doesn't mind my obsession.
3. I love going to Value Village. We visited SouthCenter this weekend to see all the new stores and it was so completely overwhelming and repulsive. The thought of spending $70 on a shirt is just absolutely ridiculous to me. Plus I don't have that kind of money to spend on a shirt.
4. I love girly movies! Michael watched A Lot Like Love with me this weekend. He's such a wonderful husband!
5. I always wear slip on shoes. I have shoes that tie, but barely ever wear them. I love the conviences of just slipping them on and going.
6. I love whole percent milk and will probably never go back to drinking 2%.
7. I have only held two jobs...Safeway and Safeco.
8. I would love to work for the airlines...the benefits are awesome!!!
9. I'm planning on homeschooling my kids with the help from a friend of mine who wants to homeschool hers as well.
10. Before we had kids I promised Michael that when I became a stay at home mom I would get up with him every morning to make his breakfast and pack his lunch...hasn't happened! Sorry honey!
11. Since we've been married Michael and I have been to Disneyland 6 times and Disneyworld 1 time.
12. We are planning on going to Hawaii next May to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. We are going to rent a condo with my parents and the boys.
13. For our fifth wedding anniversary Michael and I took a cruise to fun!
14. We just recently got an ADT Security System installed because Michael's work van was broken into twice and I was freaked out.
15. We are currently looking for a new church...we've visited a couple so far.
Now it's my turn to tag other bloggers...
Scott from Craw Fu
Melody from They Call Me Mama


  1. Hey Lyn, ummm, your #8 is probably not a good idea! I work with people that are former airline employees. Sure the benefits are great but the job itself really sucks! Food for thought!

  2. I don't think I know 15 things about myself. At least not 15 interesting things.
