Monday, November 10, 2008

Not Me Monday

This is something that MckMama hosts over on her blog. If you'd like to list your Not Me's on your blog link them back to hers so we can all share in a good laugh!
This last week I most certainly did not use one of Jack's dirty socks as a tissue because there was no tissue in sight and my runny nose was about to drip...that would be totally disgusting.
On Thursday night I definitely did not eat Country Crock margarine on a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich at my SIL's house because they didn't have any spreadable butter...that stuff can kill you according to Dr. Oz so I did not do that!
On Saturday morning I did not say over and over in my head, "Michael get up with the kids so I can sleep in!" even though I knew my poor hard working husband had only had maybe 9 hours sleep in the last 48 hours...that would not make me a very nice wife now would it.
I did not stay mad at my husband for not getting up with the kids and then later have to apologize to him for being mad at him for no reason...that would be crazy of me!
Okay now it's your turn to be brutally honest if you dare!


  1. That is hilarious... My hubby and I just had that same melt down/ make up (apology from me) on Saturday... haha!

    Okay I'd really like to know more about the country crock stuff... I totally use that! Ahhhhhhh That is scary. I like it but not that much!

  2. Dr. Oz says it's bad because it's not natural. He took his hand and scooped out a bunch of the margarine and squeezed and it squirted through his fingers. He said that's what it does in your arteries. Butter on the other hand isn't as bad as people think. It's natural product so your body knows what to do with it. We just have a covered container out on the countertop so it's not hard to spread.
