On Saturday night we finish moving all the boys stuff into one room and got it all decorated. That night we put them both to bed at the same time and they did so great. They both talked for awhile, but soon after that they were off into dreamland. Jack woke up precisely at 5am to nurse and I went in and scooped him up to bring him into our room and Owen never even moved. He slept threw the whole thing. In the morning Owen came out of his room and we had to go tell him to get back in bed and we would take him out. All in all pretty successful though!! That brings me to last night...not so much!
We put the boys to bed at 8pm and Jack cried and cried. I finally went in and gave him some Tylenol for his teeth and then put him back to bed. I also had to get Owen back in bed because by this time he was making a break for it. I don't think they fell asleep until almost 9pm. Then Jack started crying at 2am, but quickly went back to sleep. Around 4 he started up again so I decided it was time for him to eat just so we could all get some sleep. I went into their room just like the night before and scooped Jack up. I didn't notice Owen moving or even making a sound. I brought Jack into our room and after only a couple seconds I see Owen coming into our room with his big blue bunny in tow. I told Michael we had a baby in the room so he got out of bed and took Owen back to his bed. This of course was not what Owen wanted at 4am so he lets know. I finished nursing Jack and took him back to his crib and then gave Owen a quick kiss and said "Night-Night". Of course he still didn't like that so he started crying again. Around 7:15 this morning I heard Owen turn on his aquarium and then he came out of his room around 7:30ish and I had to tell him to get back in his bed and that only mommy and daddy are suppose to take him out. I'm sure it will get better. It wasn't awful really and we all did get sleep so that's good...a rested mommy is definitely a happy mommy.
When you first walk in their room you see Owen's toddler bed.
Their room is so cute! I love all the fun bright colors!!
It wasn't very nice of them to trick you the first night, and make you think it was going to be a PERFECT transition : )
Hopefully they'll both get the hang of it really quick.
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