Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh my heavy eyelids...

Does this look like the face of a baby that cried for over 2 hours last night?? He sure looks happier than I thought he would. See I've been pretty laid back when it comes to Jack and his sleeping habits. For the most part he's been a good sleeper just waking up once a night around 5:30 or 6. I didn't mind it so much because he would go back to sleep for another 2 hours and that was really nice. Lately he has been waking up at 4AM!!! That is not okay with me. So we decided to let him cry it out last night. Of course we kept checking on him and increasing the time and he finally fell asleep at 6:35 after crying since 4:25. He is strong willed that's for sure. I've kept him on a really good schedule today so I hope that tonight goes better. I'm bracing myself for at least 3 nights of this until he settles into a new routine though. I just have four words...thank goodness he's cute!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a better night tonight. Cameron has been screaming bloody murder when I put him to bed. It started this week and the screaming and crying is AWFUL. It breaks my heart, but I know that I can't go in and get him everytime or else he will expect it. It is so hard...

    Hope your home is quiet tonight. Sweet dreams!!

    ~ Lisa
