Thursday, January 22, 2009

Owen Speak

Owen's vocabulary is just amazing me. If I wasn't keep track of all his words I wouldn't actually think he knew this many, but he goes through phases of saying words and then he won't say them for a while so I'm happy I'm keeping a record.

"Hupbo" = hippo - We bought him the red and orange hippo from IKEA and he sleeps with it. He also sleeps with the Alligator as well and he thinks that's a hippo too.

"Ah go" = Where'd it go - He says this when he "hides" his toys behind a pillow and wants you to find it.

Happy & Not Happy - Owen doesn't really know the opposites of words like he knows 'on' but not 'off' he says "not on"' instead. So I taught him the word happy and a few days after that we were in the car and Jack was crying and in a serious voice Owen said "Not happy". It was so adorable! Oh and when we were singing Happy Birthday to Owen getting him ready for his birthday he started singing, "Happy, Happy, Happy".

Home - We were at Ga-Ga and Pa's and I told Owen we were going home and he immediately said "home". A few days after that Michael came home and and I asked Owen who was here and he said, "Dada home".

Amen = We pray at dinner every night and I try to remember to pray at breakfast and lunch too. Owen loves to hold hands and pray in fact he asks to "Pay" sometimes. One time when Michael was praying he was jibber jabbering and at the end he said "Amen" totally clear.

Pa - Now whenever we talk about Ga-Ga Owen also includes Pa in the conversation too.

"Papee" = Peepaw - Today Owen wanted me to pick him up so he could see the family pictures on the wall better. I was asking him where Dada was and he would point and say "Dada" and I asked about Ga-Ga, Pa and Mama too. Then I asked him where Peepaw was and he pointed right to Peepaw and said, "Papee". I loved it! Peepaw has been gone for almost 4 months now, but Owen still remembers him. He was also able to point out GG too so that was nice. GG is worried that Owen will forget her since she's moved to Denver now. I can't wait until she comes up for a visit in May.

"A, E" = ABC's - Today I was singing and signing the ABC's to the boys and Owen started singing "A, A, E, E" and moving his little fingers around trying to make the letters.

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