Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Picture Challenge

It's time for another Random Picture Challenge over at 4 Little Men & Girly Twins. This weeks picture is suppose to be the 30th picture from your August 2007 folder.

Owen was 7 months old in this picture. He spent a lot of time on our love seat. It was positioned right in front of the window so he loved to stand up and look outside. He drooled SO bad when he was teething it's very rare to find a picture of him where he's not wearing a bib. On this day I let him try beef jerky for the first time since my mom said that she used to let me chew on it when I was teething. He really enjoyed it.


  1. How cute!!! I love little ones! Its so sad how fast they grow!!

  2. My Henry is one day less thatn a year older than your Jackson. How cool!

  3. What a cute little guy! I have droolers too...there's nothing like one of their wet and slimey kisses! lol
