Saturday, January 10, 2009

Randon Picture Challenge

I'm joining in with Brittany over at 4 Little Men & Girly Twins for a Randon Picture Challenge. You have to go to your May picture folder and pick the 21st picture and post it.

This picture was taken on Saturday May 17th and I didn't even have to look in the properties of the picture to know that. I'm just weird with dates that way. I remember it so well because this was the day I wanted Jack to be born. It was so hot this day the thermometer said 98 degrees. Owen had been running around in the sprinkler staying cool. Ga-Ga was being silly with him by putting his sunhat on her head.


  1. isn't it funny how we remember things like that.

    thanks for playing along!


  2. Aww, so cute! Makes me REALLY miss summer!
