Monday, January 12, 2009

Not Me Monday!

I'm a little late in posting my Not Me's, but oh well I have two small kids so I have an excuse!! Check out MckMama's Blog and see what she and tons (Over 300 people participate in this every week) of others are not doing.
1. I have not been putting Jack to sleep in his car seat covered up in the dining room for his afternoon nap in order to get the most out of nap time. Owen can always sleep 3 hours with his brother screaming in the same room.
2. I did not discover that the my 7 month old was being kept awake at night because we were putting him to sleep with a bib on in order to keep his clothes dry at night because he's got a chewing addiction. He can totally sleep with a sopping wet bib wrapped around him...who couldn't! (Jack is sleeping much better now that he is NOT wearing a bib at night)
3. I did not call 411 twice to get the number to Kay Jewelers to see if my ring was finished being sized because I just couldn't wait any longer for it to come back. I did not think bad thoughts about those lazy workers down at Kay Jewelers for not picking up the dang phone when I let it ring over 20 times. I did not stop by and see if my ring was in because they wouldn't pick up the phone and then find out that the number 411 gave me was incorrect. My ring was of course was NOT ready at the time and I most certainly did not go all the way home to get a call a few hours later saying it was in fact at the store. Thank goodness this ring is worth it!!!!

4. I did not put the boys to bed on Friday promptly at 7:45 in order to rush over to my girl friends house so we could ladies night since all the guys were at my house playing poker.

5. I was not suckered into giving a guy cash yesterday because he needed money for gas. I most definitely can say no when the need arises.

6. I am totally not in love with my husband and two boys that I would rather spend an entire Sunday with them and only them instead of going to church or other family functions. I'm a complete socialite and love to be around others every moment of the day...okay I am a socialite, but some times enough is enough and I just want my boys!

1 comment:

  1. I right there with ya on the whole socialite thing. It's fun sometimes, but so much work when you have 2 little ones. It is so nice to just be together as a family!
