Friday, February 20, 2009

One Jumbo Box Of Diapers Comin' Up!

On Thursday morning before I went over to a friends house I made a quick stop at Costco for some essentials....Milk, Cheese, Ketchup, Salsa and of course Diapers. Since Potty Training Boot Camp didn't go so well I had to give in and buy another box of Huggies size 4's for Owen. Oh how I didn't like doing that...$40 hurts my wallet! Anyways later in the day when we got home Owen decided that he should play with the box. I'm not sure if he's never really been interested in them or if I've just put them in the recycle before he'd had a chance to play with them.

He didn't really like playing in it while it was on it's side like this because he couldn't sit up.

He liked sitting in it like this though. I tried taking his picture through the hand holds on the side of the box, but he kept shutting them on me. Cute little stinker!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how kids love cardboard boxes so much! Every once and awhile, I will go to Sears and get a huge box (like for a refrigerator) and let the kids make a fort out of it! :)
