Friday, February 20, 2009

Food Making Friday with Friends

Today Kim and Andy came over for lunch. Kim and I made tons of baby food for Andy and Jack. The boys are old enough to start eating meat so we made them two meals with chicken. They really taste good, unlike that nasty Gerber meat baby food I remember trying to feed Owen. I had so much fun talking with Kim and at one point ALL the boys were napping. Owen is now taking his naps in the queen size bed in the spare bedroom because Jack wakes him up if he sleeps in his normal bed. Jack is sleeping in his crib like always. We had to get a little clever with where to put Andy so I brought in the Radio Flyer ATV wagon and we lined it with blankets and put it in the bathroom and Andy slept in there for an hour. Such a nice treat!

Andy isn't quite crawling like Jack does yet, but he does a mean army crawl and he's way more steady when it comes to standing and walking. He loves to walk around...with his mommy's assistance of course. I'm sure he'll walk before Jack.

The look on Jack's face in the picture above is what Michael calls the 'Target Acquired' look. Jack will be playing on the floor just fine and then all of a sudden he stops and starts looking for me. Once he finds me he get this look and then makes a mad dash for me. If Michael's in the room he always says, "Target acquired!"

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