Michael had to work late one of the days last week so I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take the boys out in the wagon to the little park we have in our neighborhood. The park really isn't all that special, but it was at least nice to get out of the house for a little while. This is exactly what I envisioned using this wagon for when Ga-Ga bought it way back in October 2007 at the Mill Creek Garage Sales. I'm so happy that Jack is big enough to sit up in it now and he doesn't fall over.
He went down the slide a bunch of times all by himself. The only thing is the slide is a little wimpy so he has to scoot himself all the way down.
After playing on the toys for a while Owen noticed all the wood chips and thought it would be way more fun to throw them all over the place instead. Owen needs to work on his throw a little though because he lets whatever he's throwing go when his hands are behind his head so his hood had quite a few wood chips in it.
I have been looking for a used wagon like that for months! I refuse to pay $150 for one. Elliott is too big for the double stroller, but not really old enough to go on any sort of extensive walk. Is that wagon comfortable to pull?
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