Yesterday we went to the early service at church and then headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's to spend the day with family and friends. Family friends...Jim & Norean came down and so did Michael's parents Rick & Carol, but for some reason I didn't get a picture of them. :(
For the egg hunt we used Owen's frog Easter basket that Ga-Ga & Pa got him for his first Easter back in 2007.
We didn't get Owen or Jack Easter baskets because we knew that Ga-Ga & Pa had it covered. Here is Owen's basket....Elmo of course!
Jack got a cute turtle basket. They both had chocolate bunnies, M & M's and Peanut buttercups. They both got these cute cars that can flip over and pretty much drive over anything. They also got 3 books that play music. Owen got some farm animals, Crayola Color Wonder markers and Play dough. Jack got Cookie Monster, 3 rubber duckies and 3 bibs. Spoiled to say the least!
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