Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mama's Day

What could be better than spending all day with these handsome men??

I'm shocked by how blond Jack looks in this picture. I've heard people say that their kids look different when they've only been gone a few days, but I think it's totally true.

Owen is looking taller and talking even more.

Jack is also looking taller and slimmer to me.

My day with my boys was great. Michael made every meal so I didn't have to cook at all. I did still do some chores like dishes and laundry, but I didn't mind. I got to do a lot of blogging for this upcoming week so that was nice. I think the boys are coming down with something though. Jack puked twice today and they were both a little cranky and warm today. Jack even took 2 naps over 2 hours. I sure hope they start feeling better soon.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. I hope you had a great day like I did!

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