Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Brutal honesty is the best...especially when 800 some odd people are being honest with you. That's how many people participated last week in this blog carnival thought up by MckMama. So head on over to her blog and consider joining in with all us brutally honest bloggers.
1. I did not wait until 9pm the night before our trip to pack my suitcase and in turn strictly pack cold weather clothes for our trip to San Francisco last week. Of course I know 60 degrees and sunny is short sleeve and Capri weather I'm not so out of it that I think the rest of the country is stuck in disgustingly cold weather like Seattle.
2. I did not actually consider and say out loud (to my husband) that I would nurse any small child I saw while we were at Fisherman's Wharf because it had been over 12 hours since I had pumped. Furthermore I did not repeated grab my breasts and hold them because of the excruciating pain I was in.
3. I did not actually sit in our rented PT Cruiser pumping at The Golden Gate bridge lookout point and not even care if people walked, drove or rode by the car. (Thankfully the lookout point wasn't that crowded so we had a relatively private parking spot)
4. On the flight back from San Francisco I did not have to focus on my breathing to stop myself from screaming, "We're all gonna die", because the pilot took off and immediately veered to the right. I'm not one of "those" people that should really have a drink prior to flying.
5. I am not totally dreading the housework that accumulated while I was gone. I am a stay at home mom who loves housework and all it entails. Oh joy!

1 comment:

  1. Great Not Me's! I am a really nervous flyer too!! I don't do it often, but I definetly need to take something before I fly..either a drink or some sleeping pills!
