Update: Jack woke up at 6:30 this morning...I guess I shouldn't jinx myself by writing about such things!
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This little guys naps and night time sleep have been growing longer and longer. I can't tell you how happy this makes mommy. Owen has always been a great sleeper, but Jack has had to grow to love the idea. Lately he's been going to bed around 8 and sleeping until 7:30 or so. It's awesome!
Here are all the corn I transplanted on Thursday. I wasn't sure if they were going to make it at first because they got a little weepy, but since we got all that rain it helped a lot. Jack of course is enjoying one of his favorite past times of...eating dirt!
Here are my 3 strawberry plants, more corn and 3 rows of romaine. Next year we are going to buy PVC pipes and plant our strawberries in those suspended from the deck. It saves space and you can plant a ton of them that way. You can see the little dent I made in our romaine from our salad the other day....seriously if anyone reading this blog would like some lettuce you can have romaine or green leaf there is tons.
Here are three of my 6 zucchini plants. I'm sure I'll have some extras of these as well if any of you would like some.
Here's another thing that's grown...the retaining wall in the backyard. The new part that Michael's working on is the lower wall on the left. Right by the existing not so straight wall on the right is where we are going to make more gardening space so I can plant even more fruits and veggies next year. I've already got my list of what I would like to plant in addition to what I planted this year...cucumbers, bell peppers, watermelon, cantaloupe, cauliflower and maybe an artichoke tree (or bush I'm not sure what it is).
Here's the new retaining wall heading into the yard. Michael researched online how to build the wall. It's not really as hard as I thought it would be, but I'm not the one doing the work.
Michael digging to China as he says. Thankfully the previous owners of our house left us a bunch of yard tools...one of which was a pickax. That tool has come in very handy.
You need to plant some garlic. Lots of it.
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