Thursday, June 25, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday

This Friday we are showing off our master bedrooms. Our master bedroom is decorated with a bunch of our wedding memorabilla.

We got this king size headboard and footboard from JCP's and it only cost $150. I love having a king size bed. I'm not much of a snuggler so I like having my own space to stretch out and catch my Z's. The open door leads to our master bathroom...if you'd like to check that out click here.

This is the picture above our bed. The flowers are from our wedding. I have the name plaque made at the Puyallup Fair for $9 before were were married. It says, "Michael & Lyndsay Forever & Always - May 8th 1999.

Michael was working in a retirement community and his older gentlemen was going to sell this TV armoire to us for $50, but once he found out we were young and newly married he just gave it to Michael and said that he had been there once. It was really sweet. We had to do a bit of work to it because it actually had the original TV built into it.

These are the pictures to the left of the armoire. I love having belly pictures taken when I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with Owen on the left and Jack on the right. The Willow Tree Angel was given to me by my friend Christa.

This shelf is filled with a bunch of our wedding stuff. Left to right, top...the pen everyone used to write in our guest book, battery operated candle centerpiece at our reception, porcelin dolls (gift from my maid of honor), picture book. Left to right, favor that was at the table at our rehearsal dinner, wedding picture, unity candle, cake topper, garter and the glasses we used for our toast.

Last year I finally convinced Michael to install ceiling fan...I love it. The chair in the corner is the most comfortable chair ever. It was a gift from my mom and dad when Jack was born. I use it as my nursing/pumping chair.

This is our engagement picture with all the notes that people wrote to us at our reception.

Here is the wedding picture collage I made from a bunch of our pictures.

The picture on the top was taken at Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland and the picture on the bottome is made from 4 of the cards we received at our wedding.