The other day Jack fell outside by the playhouse and hit his face on the concrete. I don't exactly know where, but he had this scrap under his right eye and the next day he had a shiner. It doesn't show up very well on the picture, but it's definitely there.
And tonight the same thing happened with Owen. I just let him go outside to play and I was trying to pick up the toys inside and then I heard this thud and crying coming from outside. He ended up scraping up his elbow and his ear pretty badly.
His ear is also bruised. It looks so painful. He cried for the longest time we ended up rubbing Neosporin on it and giving him some Tylenol because he was so upset. Throughout the night he kept asking mama to "kiss it" and then he would say "all better".
Oh yeah and to top off the night right before bedtime Jack was rolling around on the bed playing with the flashlight and he ended up hit his eye with it and cutting it. Boys...I think I should buy stock in Band-Aid now.
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