Monday, August 10, 2009

10 1/2 weeks

So I decided to have Michael take a picture of me last night because I'm already showing! Yes, you heard that right...I'm not even 3 months along and my tummy is poking out. I have 2 theories for this....none of which includes me having twins. We have seen the ultrasound picture and there was definitely only one baby in there. Of course that doesn't stop Michael from teasing me by saying there is a second one hiding perfectly behind the first one. He loves to see me freak out! Don't get me wrong twins would be a total blessing, but 2 kids at the same time is a little freaky too!
Try to forget the fact that I'm wearing my PJ's okay!
So theory number one....I always show fast. With Owen I started wearing maternity clothes at 13 weeks and with Jack at 11 weeks. I'm not actually wearing maternity clothes yet...that brings me to theory two.
Some women are going to hate me for this, but after every pregnancy I tend to start out my next pregnancy weighing less than I did before. For example...I weighed 141 when I got pregnant with Owen. By the time I got pregnant with Jack I weighed 136 and this time around I weigh 131. Breastfeeding is awesome for burning calories, but also chasing after two kids and hardly ever getting to sit down during the day contributes to that too. So basically I think I'm showing a lot earlier because I have a lot less cushion so the baby has no where to hide so it just pokes right out.


  1. I love it! I showed really early this time too. My theory, for me anyway, while I weighed much less before I got pregnant this time, my stomach muscles are pretty shot from being pregnant so many times, so close together!

  2. My Theory is; This little girl is gettin' BIG in a Hurry. SHE wants to come out to play with her Big Brothers. Love, Dad

  3. My theory is that you're going to have to change the blog name to Lyndsay and Michael Plus 8.
