Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me Monday!

This week we did not have nachos two days in a row for lunch. I do not think that Doritoes can count as a main course for a meal. We always have gourmet meals around here since I have countless hours to spend cooking during the day while the children quietly play by themselves. HA!

On Thursday when we were at the zoo my 2 year old did not puke all over my soft pretzel that I had just bought. I did not go ahead and stay at the zoo because he told me his tummy was "all better". He was not so exhausted at the end of our animal adventures that he fell asleep in the car. I did not take photographic proof of this while I was driving!

Oops...maybe I did! Seriously people this kid NEVER and I do mean NEVER falls asleep in the car.

I did not spend a good 15 - 20 minutes yesterday picking clumps of cat hair off some old sheets in hopes that we can use them. We haven't had cats in our house in over a year and I'm such a thorough cleaner of course there are no more traces of them. So it's absurd to think that I just found a piece of a cat nail in my carpet earlier this week as way!

Since it was cloud and colder here in Washington last week I did not let Owen watch Playhouse Disney everyday. We do not know all the dance moves at the end of the Imagination Movers or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Even if we did we most certainly never dance around in our undies! :)

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