Today Jack is exactly the same age Owen was when Jack was born. Owen was 10 days shy of being 17 months old. Such a baby still! It's funny when I think back to that time I don't remembering feeling that Owen was such a baby, but really he was. To me right now Jack seems younger than Owen did at the time he became a big brother. I think a lot of that has to do with knowing that the baby phase is gone SO quickly. Because honestly in many ways Jack is further advanced that Owen was at this age. I think that definitely has to do with being a second child and having an older sibling to look up to.
Hi my name is Lyndsay...I was name after the actress Lindsay Wagner. My brothers name is Ryan so my mom thought it would be fun to spell my name with an Ly to match his. I didn't meet another person who spelled their name like me until I was in high school. Speaking of high school that's where I met my husband. We were both 16 years old. We got engaged at 17 and were married on May 8th, 1999 when we were 18 years. We struggled for 6 years with infertility, but then on January 15th, 2007 God blessed us with Owen. After that the kids started popping out..Jack was next, Ella our only girl and finally we finished at the end of the alphabet with Zeke. I'm a stay at home mom and I volunteer at church and school. Life is crazy, but life is good!
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