Thursday, December 31, 2009

First Trip To The Dentist

So after posting about the boys brushing their teeth I got a referral from a friend on FB to a pediatric dentist in Burien. The day before I talked to the boys a lot about going to the dentist and how he's a doctor for your teeth (Owen loves going to the regular doctor). I told the boys that they were going to have to smile and open their mouths and say "ahhh" so the dentist could see all their teeth.

The dentist called back Jack first and I got to sit in the chair and hold Jack. He looks all concerned in this picture, but he really did great. He was actually quite at ease and didn't even get scared at all.

He was really good about letting the dental hygienist clean and floss his teeth. The only part he didn't like was getting fluoride at the end of the treatment and that was because it tasted funny and was really sticky!

Thank goodness Ga-Ga is on vacation this week so she was able to come with me. While I was with Jack they called Owen back so he got to sit with her. Thanks Ga-Ga!!! He did so good they even tried to take X-rays, but he drew the line there so they weren't able too. No biggie though!

Since Owen did so well with his teeth cleaning they decided to use the pumas stuff to actually remove some stains he's had on his teeth since they started coming in. We were told by his doctor that sometimes baby teeth have stains on them because of all the vitamins you have to take while they are in the womb.

Look cavities!

The boys both got little goodie bags filled with floss, a new tooth brush, their certificate and two tokens for the toy machines in the lobby. It was such a great experience!

Look at those sparkly teeth!

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