Friday, January 1, 2010

Label Boy Wishes You A Happy New Year

This is what happens when try to print labels for Baby Shower invitations and your computer doesn't have the correct template for the labels you have.....they turn into entertainment for your almost 3 year old*.

*Side note: It's only 15 days until Owen is going to be 3 years old. My baby is getting so big!

It started out relatively simple.

Jack even wanted to join in, but he pretty much ripped them off as fast as I could put them on. Then Daddy got a little creative and carried away to say the least!!!

May I present to you Dat Dat Da Duh......Label Boy!!!

What's a superhero without some muscles!

Checking out Daddy's handy work!

Happy New Year to you, your family and all the label boys in your life! May 2010 bring you goofy moments that make you stop and enjoy the little things God has blessed you with.

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