Monday, December 7, 2009

Pump It Up Birthday Parties

On Wednesday night we met up with 2 of Michael's brothers and their families to celebrate 5 of the cousin's birthdays. It's been a crazy year for all of us so we were finally able to get together.
Camryn is always SO happy to see her cousins. She is definitely a hugger!

Before going into jump you have a watch a safety/rules video....this little guy was quite excited as we'd been telling him about going to the bouncy place all day. He was definitely ready!

Let's go!!!!

This huge slide was a hit with all the kids and the adults.

There were two different rooms we were able to play in...this bouncing basketball court was in the second room. Owen was in the middle of a jump when I snapped this shot. How fitting is his nickname of monkey now!!!

At first Jack was a little leery of the big slides so he just used the ramp up to the obstacle as a slide instead.

Later on he was all for going on the BIG slide...over and over and over.

The big boys had a good time too...this is one of Owen and Jack's older cousin's Cooper.

Playing hoops!

Jack even had fun playing with one of the workers for a little while. After all she had a of his favorite things!

When Owen would slide down he just loved to take a little rest on the stopper at the end.

Mama even got in on the fun a little and went down the slide a few times. After I got dizzy I decided it was time to sit it out though.

Once our jump time was over we headed back to Michael's oldest brother's house for dinner, cake and presents. We haven't seen Rick in quite a few months so it was nice for Michael to get to hang out with his brother.

Here are all the birthday boys and girls! R to L - Cooper, Paige, Camryn, Samantha (In Grandma's arms) and Avery. Such cute kids!!!

I had the pleasure of making the cupcakes for the kids. I love rainbow chip cake and frosting and so do the kids! It was fun making them each their own cupcake.

Make a wish!

Samantha knows exactly what to do.

Paige and Camryn enjoyed the cupcakes so much they each had two!

What a mouthful!

Time for presents!

Samantha was pretty excited about her Elmo Potty Time book.

My sister-in-law Michelle made sure that Owen and Jack didn't leave empty handed even thought it wasn't their birthday. Jack got a Mickey Mouse soccer ball and Owen got a cute blue and white stroller (my boys love to push things)...Cooper also gave Owen his old shades. Owen kept walking around saying, "I'm so cute!" You sure are my sweet boy!

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